The More You Know - Lion Pride Art and Watercolors - Lion Pride Art & Watercolors

The More You Know - Lion Pride Art and Watercolors

Succulent Painting

Get to know what we offer, connect with us and let us know how we can feed your soul with joy with art and art paint supplies. If there's a resource you'd like us to share with our art community friends and family we would be happy to post it within our blog space.

QUAD COLOR COMBO   Color Swatches

Single Paint Pans

Generally you will find information about shop updates, new artwork listed, artists to follow, and art resources we think you might enjoy. All events and special dates to make note of in your calendar will also be posted here so be sure to follow us on our social media sites and sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss an opportunity to feed your soul with art.

Troubleshooting Site Support

IF you happen to spot or encounter any issues with our website or shop experiences PLEASE đŸ™ send me (Nichole) an email at (copy & paste email link into your email composer) directly so I can resolve the problem! I'm not afraid to admit this is my first time building a commerce store and there are a lot of intricate interworking parts and it's a huge learning curve despite my career path having been e-commerce marketing management. I ask you to please be patient with me and my assistant. I'm finding ways to improve your experience as you navigate your way to bring joy into your space! Thank you so much for your continued support, I am eager to build something great in partnership WITH you and our amazing art community!


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